The exploratory program development style refers to an informal development style where the programmer makes use of his own intuition to develop a program rather than making use of his own institution to develop a program rather than making use of the systematic body of knowledge categorized under the software engineering discipline . The exploratory development style gives the complete freedom to the programmer to choose the activities using which to develop the software. Though the exploratory style imposes no rules a typical development starts after an initial briefing from a customer. A schematic of this work sequence in a build and fixed style has been shown graphically below.

An initial development style can be successful when used for developing very small programs, and not for professional software.

What is wrong with exploratory style of software development ?

* Though the exploratory software development style is intuitively obvious, on software team can        remain competitive if it uses this style of software development. Let us examine, how do the time       and effort is required to develop a professional software increases with the size of programming     size. Let us consider the exploratory style is being used to develop a professional software. The       increased in development effort and time with problem size has been indicated .

*It can be seen that as the problem size increases, the required effort and time increases almost exponentially. For large programs, it would take too long and cost too much to be practically meaningful to develop the program using the exploratory style of the development. The exploratory development approach is said to break down after the size of the program to be developedincreases beyond certain value.

Now, let us try to understand why does the effort required to develop a program grow exponentially with program size when the exponential style is used and then the approach to develop a program completely breaks down when the program size become large? To get an insight into the answer to the question, we need to have some knowledge of the human shall see. Please note that the perceived complexity of a problem in not related to the time or space complexity issues with which you are likely to be familiar with from a basic course on algorithms.

The psychological or perceived complexity of a problem concerns the difficulty level experienced by a programmer while solving the problem using the exploratory development style.

Even if the exploratory style causes the perceived difficulty of a problem to grow explonentially due to human cognitive limitations,


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